JSMC is honored to have Pandit Shri Champakbhai Mehta during Aaso Maas Ayambil Oli Shri Champakbhai is highly knowledgeable about Jain scriptures and effortlessly delivers discourses in simple language as it comes naturally from his heart. Shri Champakbhai studied Jain Philosophy for 4.5 years at Shrimad Yashovijayji Jain Sanskrit Pathshala, Mehsana, Gujarat - a foremost institution, imparting education in Jain Philosophy and Rituals for the last 105 years. Many scholars from this Päthashäla are teaching the Jain religion all over India and abroad.
Shri Champakbhai has been teaching Jain Philosophy, Scriptures and sutras in many Päthashäläs and Sangh for the last 25 years. He has conducted Paryushana, Oli and Pujan in various centers across the USA.
Daily Ayambil has been arranged starting from Sat, Oct 1 thru Sun, Oct 9, and also two lectures daily, see below the topic.
JSMC Thanks:
- Surekhaben Mahendrakumar Shah family sponsoring the entire Ayambil Oli
- Jayendra & Leena and Tejal Shah Family sponsoring the entire Ayambil Oli & Parna
- Srujal & Chaula Shah family partially sponsoring Swamivastalya.
- Umeta Samaj sponsoring partial Ayambl oli.
- Sanatbhai & Surekhaben Shah family sponsoring partial Ayambil Oli